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Feasts & Scenes

Annunciation  SQS T.jpg
Ascension SM WMD.jpg
Ascension OKC sm wmd.jpg
Beheading of John SM WMD.jpg
Beheading of John the Baptist (8"x10"x3/4")
Emmaus sm wmd.jpg
Breaking Bread at Emmaus (2)(8"x10"x3/4")
Epitaphios SM WMD.jpg
The Burial of Christ (10"x8"x3/4")
Carrying the Cross 10x8 wmd.jpg
Carrying the Cross(with St. Simon Cyrene)(10"x8"x3/4")
Conception of Theotokos SM WMD.jpg
Conception of the Theotokos(1)(8"x10"x3/4")
Crucifixion OKC sm wmd.jpg
Dormition SM WMD.jpg
Dormition detail sm wmd.jpg
Elevation SM WMD.jpg
Elevation of the Cross(1)(8"x10"x3/4")
Entrance Theotokos SM WMD.jpg
Entrance of Theotokos into the Temple(1)(8"x10"x3/4")
Magi SQS WMT.jpg
The Magi ("Gaspar, Melchior & Balthasar")(8"x10"x3/4")
Myrrrhbearers SM WMD.jpg
The Myrrh Bearers(2)(8"x10"x3/4")
Nativity Mural SQS WMT.jpg
Nativity of Christ(1)(8"x10"x3/4")
Nativity inscribed SM WMD.jpg
Nativity of Christ(with Hymn)(2)(8"x10"x3/4")
Nativity XC  SQS WMT.jpg
Nativity of Christ(3)(8"x10"x3/4")
Nativity 2 SQS WMT.jpg
Nativity of Christ(4)(8"x10"x3/4")
Nativity Theotokos SQS T.jpg
Nativity of the Theotokos(1)(8"x10"x3/4")
Palm Sunday SM WMD.jpg
Palm Sunday("Entrance into Jerusalem")(1)(8"x10"x3/4")
Going Up To Jerusalem SM WMD.jpg
Palm Sunday ("Going Up to Jerusalem")(3)(10"x8"x3/4")
Pentecost  SQS T.jpg
Pentecost("Descent of the Holy Spirit")(1)(8"x10"x3/4")
Pentecost 2 smwmd.jpg
Pentecost ("Descent of the Holy Spirit")(3)(10"x8"x3/4")
Presentation SM WMD.jpg
Presentation of Christ in the Temple(1) (8"x10"x3/4")
Lazarus SM WMD.jpg
Raising Lazarus(1)(8"x10"x3/4")
Souderton SQS WMT.jpg
Resurrection(1)("Descent into Hades")(8"x10"x3/4")
Resurrection Oakland SM WMD.jpg
Resurrection(2)("Descent into Hades")(8"x10"x3/4")
Resurrection Caligraphy SM WMD.jpg
Resurrection(4)("Descent into Hades")(with Hymn)(8"x10"x3/4")
Theophany SM WMD.jpg
Theophany 10 x 8 Souderton SM WMD.jpg
Theophany Souderton SM WMD.jpg
Transfiguration SM WMD.jpg
Transfiguration(1) (8"x10x3/4"")
Cana Long SM WMD.jpg
Wedding in Cana(1)(10"x8"x3/4")
Wed Cana sm wmd.jpg
Wedding in Cana(2)(8"x10"x3/4")